(Screening in the North) On our arrival, as soon as the crew had been cleared by customs it wasn't long before we had a small team taking a long journey and heading up to the North of Benin in Parakou for a smaller screening week. During that time we had 115 that were seen by a doctor and 65 were scheduled for surgery on the ship. A further 18 were referred for speciality screening. (screening at Cotonou) The following week was the big one! The nurses and doctors did an amazing job of making things run smoothly. Eye patients were sifted out and refered to the field eye clinic sites which helped reduce the flow of people and meant they didn't have to wait in line for ever only to be told to go somewhere else. Here's a run down on facts and figures for those who like that:
2550 came for screening (and that's not including the family members that came along to help them on their way). 765 were seen by a doctor 443 were scheduled for surgery 267 were refered to the ship for speciality screening 600 were refered to our field eye clinic (Dr Straus is going to be busy!) 330 passed through the prayer stations. This is for those we can not help and crew counselors will meet with them for prayer and sharing etc. As a result 42 decided to follow Jesus-Hallelujah!
We also had a screening with the Government Social Services where out of the 108 that came, 25 were scheduled for surgery, 15 refered for speciality screening and 5 to the eye clinic. A TOTAL OF 513 patients are scheduled for surgery! Click below to see a video of the screening day in Cotonou.
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