Every Thursday is a flurry of activity as the school runs a running club for the kids on the dock. This is the first year we think, that Nathanael is actually enjoying it. In previous years it's been either at potty training time and numerous trips up and down the gangway to the toilet didn't work or last year it was a trial to actual get him to do 2 laps and took a lot of encouragement and coaxing to push him along. This year, what a difference, suddenly he has found his super sonic speed (Nathanael's words not ours!) and just keeps running until the time is up, normally completing about 6-7 laps which is about 2 km. Why? you may ask. Well the aim is over the weeks to complete a marathon. For the little ones it's a tall order, but they get fit doing it so who's complaining!
Warm up exercises run by our "ex-New York State Trooper" crew member. (such a nice guy!)
Nathanael warming up!
Pre-schoolers interpretation of warming up
Super Sonic Speed Nathanael!
Water Break