Since we have been back on board Nathanael has been able to participate in the last 2 weeks of the summer program that they hold on board for all the kids. During their school summer holidays we have a team that apply to come and run a summer program for 6 weeks. This is Sam & Bethany who have been running the pre-schoolers group. They have lots of energy and enthusiasm.
It has been a time packed full of fun stuff, whether it's stories, songs, crafts, baking, messy play, treasure hunts, field trips, you name it, it's probably done. Each morning Nathanael stands at our door asking to go, usually he needs to wait at least an hour before it starts and he doesn't like to wait because he loves it so much.

(Craft time)
(Baking with his friend Zaden)
(How to eat a cup cake by Nathanael Tretheway)